All of the security instruments, notes, riders & addenda, and special purpose documents that should be used in connection with regularly amortizing one- to four-family conventional first mortgages that are sold to Fannie Mae are available for viewing, printing, or downloading in Microsoft® Word format.
This page provides downloadable copies of standard and negotiated instruments, including:
For more information on the instruments, refer to the Uniform Instruments Fact Sheet.
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News and updates archive
The news and updates archive is a cumulative list of changes concerning the availability or use of specific legal documents, and document and instruction page changes.
Form search: Contact Us Have questions? Contact us Effective dates for changes to Fannie Mae legal documentsWe periodically make minor revisions to the legal documents, typically to comply with changes to applicable laws. When we revise the documents, we include a notation in the tagline at the bottom of the form to indicate the revision date, and we also include a notation of the revision date in the Instructions page for the document. Users may begin using revised legal documents immediately. Unless we specify, or applicable law requires, an earlier effective date, we require the use of revised documents by no later than six months after the revision date.
Reproducing Fannie Mae legal documentsAny other changes that are necessary to assure that the documents are in compliance with any other requirements of state or local recordation statutes or laws are also authorized.
A user must verify the accuracy of any document it reproduces (or has reproduced). If a mortgage document is altered in any way that we have not specifically authorized (other than ministerial changes such as format changes related to recording requirements), we will consider the document to be a non-standard document. A lender that delivers a loan to us using such altered documentation must make a number of non-standard document warranties related to various provisions in the document. The specific warranties are set out in the Selling Guide. Further, a party that makes alterations that we have not specifically authorized (other than ministerial changes such as format changes related to recording requirements) must include a specific notation indicating that the form has been modified by that party, i.e., "modified by ABC".